I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb, in writing about truth and religion, wrote that ‘Among the things we all care about is the truth. No one is indifferent to the truth. One reason for this is that we cannot get what we want without it.’
He also writes that, ‘Without the truth, we only “guess” that our actions affect people in a certain way. In reality, the effect could be very different.’
To reinforce the latter, he asked his readers to imagine a doctor, who, on his deathbed, discovered the way he treated a certain problem turned out to be wrong.
He was actually harming people because he did not know the truth.
He also writes about the tendency of some to cling to ‘falsehood because facing the truth is too painful.’
He calls this ‘a mistake’.
Adding, ‘It would be far better to acknowledge the truth and live with the consequences. The reason is that in this way we will get more of what we care about. To refuse to face the truth will only add to misery.’
He writes about the rare cases where ‘truth’ might be best left concealed — if only for a more appropriate time of revelation — but concludes that ‘in almost all cases the best decision is the one based on facts — the truth.’
He calls putting truth first, ‘realism’.
And putting the things we care about first, ‘opportunism’.
He then turns his discussion on truth to religion.
He states that, ‘The priority of living with the truth means that we have to find out what the truth is. If truth exists and we ignore it, we are likely to waste our entire lives climbing up the wrong tree.’
On this point he is right.
He then says that to pursue religious truth one must be a realist — ‘to find out whether there is any religious truth, and if so, which one.’
Let’s be clear, if we use the rabbi’s definitions of realism and opportunism, and his formula for truth, then religion itself is an example of opportunism.
And any notion of religious truth a chimeric fantasy.
When it comes to God, any investigation into religious truth cannot be considered an investigation into absolute truth.
It is an investigation into the worldly entities that did something which should never have been done in the first place.
Tampered with the sacred Word of God to assume a worldly authority over him.
If proving a religion right is the beginning of a search for truth in relation to God, then it has already failed.
There is a truth in all religions before the journey starts.
They are all based on the guesses and worldly assumptions humanity has made about God.
They have moulded God and his Word into whatever it is they need him to be so whatever it is they decide can be considered truth.
They sit in judgement of God’s own Word and testimony, choosing for themselves what is ‘truth’ and what is not.
Each rejecting the aspects of God’s Word and revelation that would bring the worldly kingdoms they have built — each of which counts God as a servant — down to the ground.
Here’s another truth.
To honour God’s instructions for how to live we did not need to define him or know the absolute truth about his nature and form.
None of that information was necessary to love God as he asked to be loved — by being what he asked us to be and expressing our lives as he asked us to express them.
Love cannot exist for God unless it is actioned as God asked us to action it.
That way of life has a name.
It is called conditional expression.
While religions and other spiritual paths and labels fight for supremacy over God, it should have been our conditional expression that united us all.
Why fight and argue while trying to decide whose misrepresentation of God is right, when we could build a world based on honouring him as he asked to be honoured.
Why fight over whose world-centred exploitation of God is best, when we could have built a world based on his Laws of Consent.
No one benefits from our conditional expression except God.
That it is the only premise of such a life.
For it only exists when a human being expresses their life in line with God’s Word and Laws of Consent.
If someone took God’s Word seriously then this is exactly how they would view his laws. As God establishing consent over how we each should live.
In existence today there are 10 books sourced in God’s revelation and the way of conditional expression.
The rabbi wrote if we do not know the truth then we run the risk of acting in a manner that harms someone.
Now what if that someone is God?
Surely, we must assume God asked us to behave in a certain manner so that he — Life — would not be harmed. Surely his laws were for his own benefit.
Again, we see the heartbeat of conditional expression.
‘How can my life and all that I am benefit God?’
As opposed to, ‘how can my exploitation and misrepresentation of God befit my life?’
The heart of conditional expression belongs to God.
The heart of the worldly faith belongs to the world.
Why is consent important in our world?
Why is it considered important when a woman, child — or anyone of us for that matter — says ‘no’ to abuse?
They say ‘no’ because they want their dignity, body and life treated as they would like it to be treated.
Afterall, they have sovereignty over their lives.
As we all do.
The only truth we are certain of when it comes to God is how he expected us to live.
And that failure to live in this way would lead us to eternal guilt.
If one really wants to know how to live a life that benefits God alone, then that is easy.
God made all of that knowledge simple, accessible and clear.
A child could follow God’s instructions for how to live should they wish to.
Few guidebooks for anything in our world could match the simplicity of God’s Word and Laws of Consent.
If God reveals the truth about himself and it contradicts the beliefs of any religion, then that religion — and its leaders and greatest exponents — have a lot to lose.
And if God validates the life and teachings of Jesus by revealing himself as Jesus promised, then those who rejected him also have a lot to lose.
Including Christianity in its various forms.
And if all the major Abrahamic religions are wrong, then there is every chance that while these religions were trying to establish themselves as the ‘right one’, the one true God — whom they were all wrong about in the first place — might be experiencing harm.
The question is, should religions have ever existed in the first place, when God had not defined his true nature and form himself?
And when what he had asked for was a love for him that was sourced in action.
Choosing to create religions — which gave us power and authority over God — instead of building a world founded on conditional expression was humanity’s greatest mistake when it came to God.
We were greedy with knowledge.
We wanted to know who and what God is.
We wanted to explain him and share our opinions on him.
And we wanted to be seen as experts on him, so we could use him to impress the world.
The desire to understand who God is and to define God is a desire that belongs to us.
This is not a God-centred desire.
It is world-centred and individually centred.
God-centred living does not seek to define God, it seeks to honour him through its living.
Being seen as an expert or authority on God benefits us. And it brings worldly treasures.
Our living with conditional expression benefits God.
How can we know this?
We trust God!
We trust that he asked us to live a certain way because it was what he needed from us.
Eternal guilt for rejecting God’s Word and Laws of Consent seems quite severe, so it must have been critical that we live with conditional expression.
Defining God was always fraught with danger.
To me, the loss of any worldly treasure created through the exploitation of God would pale in comparison to being guilty of the act that led to the loss.
I refer to making oneself out to be an authority on God, speaking of God without his blessing and being wrong. And doing this at a time when God’s suffering was so great, he had no choice but to reveal himself.
God always made it clear that a time would come when the truth is revealed.
By defining God, giving an opinion on God, or trying to explain God — or attempting to possess him through religion — one risked being wrong.
And by risking being wrong, anyone who took such a risk also risked everything they built on their definition.
Including their reputations!
Their worldly empire, built through the non-consensual misrepresentation and exploitation of God, would fall.
And anyone who embraced, praised or supported those who placed themselves on God’s shoulders without ever hearing from God will fall with them.
One who lives or has lived with conditional expression — the way of life that honours God’s Word in all its forms, including the life and teachings of Jesus — stands to lose nothing at this time of revelation.
They have honoured God with their lives. They took no risks when it came to being seen as clever and wise with regard to God.
They are the poor in spirit.
They have lived their life being what God asked them to be.
While trusting in God’s revelation alone.
Not the exploitations, misrepresentations and self-serving ‘truths’ of the world’s religions.
A guess, when it comes to God, is a misrepresentation.
The right to God’s revelation belongs solely to him.
Any attempt to influence or educate the world on our unsolicited opinions of God is a betrayal of God.
Why would anyone try to embed their unsolicited opinions on God in collective thought?
I just can’t understand it.
Whatever worldly treasures one accrues or accrued through such betrayals of God is the equivalent of 30 pieces of silver.
If one loves and reveres God above any worldly treasure that can be garnered by exploiting him and they are not 100% certain as to his true nature and form, and they have not heard from him directly, then they are not defining him.
By believing God to be something, or by defining who or what God is — and educating the world on these beliefs and definitions — before his own promised revelation is an act of cruelty against God.
He forbade it.
Without God’s direct blessing, nothing has his blessing.
It is cruel because it places a test upon God.
‘God, reveal yourself in a way that makes me right, or I will not believe in you! If your revelation does not suit me, then I will not accept it!’
By religions saying, ‘God is this’, or ‘God is that’, they have positioned themselves to reject God if the things he has to say about himself do not match their definition.
Through Jesus God made it clear.
‘Be watchful for me!’
One living with conditional expression will have placed no such burden on God.
Even those who lived in this way, and who were not alive to hear God say, ‘This is who I am’, will always be known as those who did not put God to work so they could gather worldly treasures, but who put their life to work for God.
The love of God in conditional expression is the love that says, ‘Come as you are God. I am ready to love and embrace you in your true form. And as you know yourself. And until you reveal yourself to me as you are I will demonstrate my love for you through my conditional expression. I will not be fooled into following the self-serving speculations of those who use you to honour themselves.’
Which teacher taught the world to love God in this way — to live as God asked while remaining alert for God’s own revelation?
Only one.
Jesus, through his life, had brought God’s Word to life as God wanted it brought to life.
Jesus was God’s way of saying, ‘This is how it is done. Let there be no confusion as to how one must live if they are to honour my Word and Laws of Consent as I expect them to be honoured. Jesus is my living Word. If you are to be the bread of my life, then you are to live with conditional expression. Let no one speak their opinion on how best to fulfill my Word. For I have already shown you!’
When anyone claims any form of authority over God and his Word without his blessing, and benefits in any way from this exploitation, then they have made God the bread of their life.
They have nourished and advanced their life through the non-consensual abuse of God.
Jesus said to live as he did, while remaining watchful for a time when God would reveal the truth about himself.
On this point even Christianity had to reject and defy Jesus — which means it had to reject and defy God — to establish itself as it did in the world.
No one who trusted the Word of Jesus would believe — let alone embrace or defend — any worldly definition of God because through him God said he was going to reveal himself.
Not even one put forward by Christianity in its various forms.
Faith in man-made ‘truths’ about God is not faith in the truth as God sees it.
Trust in a man-made definition of God, or in those who dare explain God as they believe God to be is not trust in God.
This is an absolute truth.
It is trust in those who have seen fit to define God and then educate the world on that definition.
Or ‘opinion’ might be a better word.
Faith and trust in religion, therefore, is not faith and trust in God — or Jesus — but in those who placed themselves above God.
Jesus warned the world against adopting such a faith.
He warned against embracing those who would honour themselves by using God without knowing him.
Ironically, Jesus warned his followers against believing any religions and religious leaders who did not directly represent God.
He warned ‘Christians’ against being ‘Christian’.
He taught a way of life.
He taught a love for God that was not expressed by knowing him.
Or by misrepresenting him or attempting to own him.
But rather, he taught a love for God that could only be made real and completed by being what God asked us to be.
He told us to love God by living with conditional expression
And that, in his own time God would reveal the truth — not a false ‘truth’ that desecrates the truth — about himself.
A time at which he said the world would see it was wrong.
And it was.
God did exactly as Jesus promised.
Snuck into an abusive world — that has violated and exploited him — like a thief in the night.
Revealing ‘the’ truth about himself.
Not a truth that came from those who ordained themselves experts on God.
But the truth that came from him.
First, he asked the same thing Jesus asked. Be sure that Jesus’ Word and life is God’s Word and the life he expected us to live.
‘Be and trust!’
‘Be and trust!’
‘Be and trust!’
It was with these Words that God, as Jesus promised, began his process of revelation.
Be what he has asked us to be.
And trust in him.
He made it clear to the world it was not knowing who God is, that was important — it was being what he asked.
Conditional expression in its purist and truest form — the being of that which God asked us to be, as interpreted, embodied and expressed by Jesus — had formally entered the world.
And in time God would then offer his own evidence and testimony as to his true nature and form.
What follows is truth from God.
Not from a rabbi, priest or Imam.
And not from one who would place themselves above God.
I ask only that what is written here be given its due respect and consideration. For it is God’s own Word you are reading.
To apply wisdom from the rabbi here would be most useful.
Anyone reading on thinking, ‘I am going to destroy what follows’, or has already decided to reject it, has already turned their back on God.
It is not the truth they seek, but rather to destroy God’s Word before even giving it a chance — to preserve an authority over God that never belonged to them in the first place.
Ask yourself, ‘could this be true?’
Test it against scripture.
And science.
I do not share God’s Word to avoid scrutiny. But to invite it.
Speaking of scrutiny — I have one more question before I move on.
Why would the world make it so difficult for God to speak the truth he wants to speak, but fall at the feet of those who we know with certainty do not have God’s blessing to speak the things they speak, or write the things they write?
Should scrutiny not fall on them?
Shouldn’t those who love God above all else, put a single test to every worldly prince who would offer their opinions, definitions and explanations about God to the world?
Shouldn’t we ask all of them, ‘Did God tell you to say these things? Or are you honouring yourself?’
If it is not God speaking, then why do these imposters have anyone’s ear?
How can God’s own Word be rejected and dismissed before it is even given a chance, while the falsities and untruths of those who place themselves above him without knowing him, are embraced?
Know that God formally identified his true nature and form by identifying who we are to him.
‘You are the cells of my body’.
These words belong to God.
God defined himself by defining us.
Seven words which take less than three seconds to speak, and God has brought religion to the ground.
The Abrahamic religions and the definition they attached to God is wrong.
And it is God who says it is wrong.
God needed our conditional expression because it was his life we were corrupting when we did not offer him such a life.
It was through confirming who we are, that God confirmed who he was.
He went on.
‘I am the Life!’
‘Make no mistake, I am the Life!’
And then…
‘I am the abused!’
The rabbi was right about one thing.
When we get the truth wrong, our actions might cause harm to someone.
And in the case of the Abrahamic Religions, that someone is God.
Or Life, as God has now identified himself.
The Abrahamic religions are the doctor in the rabbi’s story.
Religions, on their deathbed, must now come to realise they got it wrong.
That everything they built — over centuries and millennia — was built on a false notion of God.
And that while they fought for supremacy and sovereignty over God, God was fighting for his life.
While they claimed a monopoly on religious truth — a form of truth that can never exist as truth — God’s life and dignity was being ripped to shreds by an abusive world that expected God to be what it wanted him to be, instead of building itself on the expectations of God.
And preparing to embrace him as he is.
God has been abused by our world because Life has.
And religion has played a key role in keeping God trapped in an abusive relationship with our world.
Jesus warned the world against this.
The evidence presented by God — not by those who want to own him — has validated Jesus.
Jesus said he was the bread of life.
His way — the way of conditional expression.
Which is the way to nourish and sustain God’s Life as he needed it to be nourished and sustained.
If the Rabbi wants the truth about God — that is if he truly seeks realism over opportunism — then he has read it here.
Whether he believes what is written here will not change the fact God is Life.
Or that Life is suffering.
And should the Rabbi reject the revelation of God, the truth will remain.
Defining God as we wish to define him does not honour him.
Nor does pretending we understand his true form.
It is only through our conditional expression that one can make real — or true — their love for God.
At least when it comes to how God wants to be loved.
For this to be true one need not know and understand who God is.
Only to be who he has asked us to be since the beginning of time.
Conditional expression was there in the Garden of Eden.
It was there on Mt Sinai when God spoke to Moses and the Israelites.
It was embodied in its human form through the life and teachings of Jesus, as God or Life’s living Word.
And it was there in the Quran and in the teachings of Mohammad.
Today God has made it clear our religions do not honour him.
They compete with him.
It is our conditional expression that honours him.
On this he has been clear since the beginning of time.
On this truth there can be no dispute.
God can now be known by another name.
That name is Life.
And it is he who has established this truth.
Not a religion.
Nor is his revelation the work of science.
Rejecting God’s truth will only add to his suffering — to the suffering of Life.
Our world, and its worldly princes, are guilty.
Guilty of the non-consensual abuse of God’s Life.
To that end, God’s Word can also be known in another way and by another title.
Life’s ‘Laws of Consent’.
In the opening paragraph of this piece, I shared the words of the Rabbi.
‘Among the things we all care about is the truth. No one is indifferent to the truth. One reason for this is that we cannot get what we want without it.’
This sums up our world’s treatment of God perfectly. When it comes to God, we want to get what we want.
So, the ‘truth’ must deliver that.
That’s what religions are.
A collection of ‘truths’ decided upon not by God, but those who would put him in his place. A place that benefits them.
The creation of religions was not an act of service to God.
They turned a great and free-flowing river into a dam.
They locked God up and threw away the key.
While ever religious ‘truths’ about God remain, God cannot get what he wants.
And he cannot be loved, embraced, served and understood as he is.
And isn’t that the idea of loving God?
Not forcing worldly truths upon him, and then defending and worshipping those. But being open to receiving the truths he wishes — and might desperately need — to share about himself.
This is the God Jesus served.
One who said, ‘do not define me but be watchful for a day when I define myself.’
‘For a time when the world will see it was wrong about me!’
God has identified himself as ‘the Life’.
That is his truth, because it came from him.
He claims sovereignty over all life because it is his Life.
The consequences of our world’s rejection of God’s Word and Laws of Consent are there for all to see. Look at what our world has done to Life.
The world chose being smart about God and controlling the ‘truth’ about him, and many chose to be the ones who ‘knew’ the truth.
Only they didn’t.
Not from God.
The world ended up believing God was incorporeal.
It worshipped and built religions around a false notion of God.
They all broke the first commandment.
Not only have they honoured a false ‘God’ — they created one.
And the world fell for it.
In fact, virtually the whole ‘does God exist’ debate has centred around a notion of God, God himself has rendered false and obsolete.
There is in our world now, only two separate positions when it comes to God.
Religion and faith.
These words are not interchangeable.
God has revealed the truth about himself as Jesus promised.
That is true.
Faith in God loves, believes in, and trusts God.
God has blessed himself with a new name.
And look at what we have done to his life.
Built a world where religions thrived and gave us what we wanted. And where God’s life was violated, desecrated and abused because we did not give his life what it needed and what he asked us to give it.
Our world, if it loved God as he asked to be loved would have been built on conditional expression. This way of life would not have been a fantasy and it would not have been kept separate from our day-to-day decision making and our deciding on what expressions and behaviours we valued and which we discarded.
Our world would have been ‘the bread of lIfe’.
And each of us the way, the light and the truth.
The only way to love and honour God, and to prove we trusted in him, was to live with conditional expression and remain watchful for his own revelation of truth.
And it was God who told us this, through Jesus.
Is the rabbi’s search for truth a genuine one.
Time will tell.
But if he reads this, and if you have read it, you know have it in your hands to do with what you will.
Faith and truth or religion?
God or an imposter?
Life or the world?
Jesus asked those who loved and trusted him to be watchful and prepared to choose faith, truth, God and Life.
Which meant we needed to reject religion, imposters and the world.
On this He — meaning God or Life — was clear.
Even though Christianity — in all its forms — built itself around the life and teachings of Jesus, it still rejected and defied him in doing so.
He did not want to be praised and worshipped.
He wanted our watchfulness.
Which means Life did.
As soon as the world defined God — that is created a ‘truth’ about God — God’s revelation had an enemy.
This is what Jesus warned about.
‘Do not make yourself an enemy of God, by honouring yourselves and placing yourselves above him.’
Religions placed themselves above God. They became god over God.
Conditional expression is the way of life where one places themselves at God’s feet.
One who reveres and loves God is not going to ‘explain’ God without knowing him.
I will use the Rabbi’s words to guide the conclusion to what has become yet another revelation of God’s truth.
The Truth.
He wrote, ‘It would be far better to acknowledge the truth and live with the consequences. The reason is that in this way we will get more of what we care about. To refuse to face the truth will only add to misery.’
This is true.
However, one who loves God above all else, would rephrase this, ‘It would be far better to acknowledge the truth and live with the consequences. The reason is that in this way God — or Life — will get more of what he cares about and what he needs. Any world-centred refusal to face the truth will only add to God’s misery.’
I thought people would rejoice at hearing God’s truth.
I thought hearts would dance.
But worldly hearts want gods that meet their requirements and needs.
They want gods that serve them.
And gods that deliver them worldly treasures.
Turns out religions spent their entire existence climbing up the wrong tree.
They thought they could ‘see’ God from where they stood.
They thought the best vantage point for ‘seeing’ and ‘knowing’ God was standing on God’s shoulders.
But God was looking at them in the mirror.
Hidden in plain sight.
Our humanity is divine.
Because it is God’s humanity.
And so it is.
Click Here for The Latest Book of Conditional Expression - Contra Mundum - God Against the World
I challenge any scientist, educator, business person, celebrity, politician, astrologer, physicist - anyone actually - to explain to me how life can work for life itself - for every human being and the earth - without each of us placing conditions on our expression and demands.
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